Montessori vs. Traditional Education: A Guide for Bloomington Families
Ramalynn Academy

Montessori vs. Traditional Education: A Guide for Bloomington Families

Choosing the best educational approach for your child is essential. At Ramalynn Montessori Academy in Bloomington, Minnesota, our unique Montessori method nurtures each child’s growth, especially in early childhood education.

This blog will look at the differences between the Montessori method and traditional teaching. We will focus on preschool, kindergarten, and elementary school. These differences are important for shaping a child's learning experience.

Preschool Montessori Student Learning to Write with Montessori Education in Bloomington Minnesota

1. Education Philosophy: Life-Long Learning vs. Classroom Preparation


In Montessori education, children learn through self-guided exploration, which begins at birth and continues through life. In contrast to traditional settings, Montessori schools encourage students to develop at their own pace, fostering confidence and curiosity.


Traditional education prepares children for life by focusing on classroom learning and standardized tests. This approach is common in both public and private schools. This system contrasts with the individualized approach found in our Ramalynn setting.

2. Role of the Teacher: Guide vs. Leader


Montessori teacher training focuses on guiding children instead of lecturing. Teachers learn to observe and support each child's growth. These teachers foster independence by providing materials and an environment that encourages self-discovery, unlike the more traditional authoritative role found in conventional classrooms.


In traditional schools, teachers lead the learning experience directly, often through lectures and structured assignments. This approach works well in many situations. However, it can sometimes restrict children's ability to explore on their own, especially in elementary school.

3. Learning Order: Individualized vs. Age-Based


Montessori learning follows each child’s unique developmental path. For example, our children learn to read by age 3 or 4 through phonetics, thanks to programs that meet them at their level. This focus on individual readiness is important for those who need customized instructions, different from a standard reading schedule.


In traditional education, learning often follows age-based progressions. Schools operate with set curriculums, introducing material to groups rather than individuals. This approach can benefit some but may overlook others who are ready to advance or need extra help.

Ramalynn Academy Preschool Student Learning Montessori Phonetics at Primary Presentation Day

4. Learning Experience: Hands-On vs. Lecture-Based


The Montessori method emphasizes hands-on experience. Children learn directly by engaging with specially crafted materials, which helps solidify foundational skills at a young age. Our students learn to read, write, and solve math problems through active, personal engagement. This hands-on method supports all types of learners! 


In traditional classrooms, the focus is typically on lectures and note-taking, particularly in later years. This passive learning approach contrasts with our active learning philosophy, where children learn best through direct engagement.

5. Control of Error: Self-Correction vs. Teacher Evaluation


Materials in the classrooms include built-in mechanisms for self-correction, allowing children to recognize and adjust errors themselves. This process instills confidence and independence, a core value shared by Montessori schools.


Traditional classrooms rely on teacher-led feedback to identify and correct errors. This method can build good study habits but may reduce self-initiative, as students often depend on teacher validation.

6. Motivation: Self-Driven vs. Teacher-Driven


Curiosity drives intrinsic motivation, and the environment reinforces it. For example, our programs provide children with an array of materials that naturally spark interest and self-motivation.


In traditional classrooms, teachers often drive motivation through their goals and external rewards, like grades. This approach is effective, but it may not create the same internal motivation seen in Montessori programs.

Montessori Materials at Ramalynn Academy in Bloomington Minnesota for Preschool and Daycare

7. Discipline: Self-Discipline vs. Imposed Rules


The classrooms nurture self-discipline by encouraging children to take ownership of their behavior and learning. This self-respect leads to respect for others. Montessori communities highly value this quality.


In traditional models, teachers typically enforce discipline through rules and consequences, rather than relying on self-motivation. While this may maintain order, it can sometimes limit children’s ability to develop their own sense of discipline.

Why Montessori at Ramalynn?

At Ramalynn, we believe in creating an environment where students thrive as individuals. Through our method, children develop critical skills such as reading, writing, math, environmental awareness, and so much more. Personalized education hones these skills, making Montessori an excellent choice for families in the Twin Cities and beyond.

Choosing the Right Education for Your Child

When looking at public and private schools, take time to explore the Montessori approach. This is especially important for your preschool or elementary school child. At Ramalynn, we are committed to helping your child grow using the Montessori philosophy. This support lasts from early childhood to middle school. 

Schedule a tour at Ramalynn Academy. See for yourself how Montessori can positively impact your child's life! 

Learn more about the Montessori method here!

Elementary Students Having Fun at Recess at Ramalynn Montessori Academy


  • Benefits of Montessori Education for Older Students
  • Bloomington Daycare
  • Bloomington Private Schools
  • Bloomington Schools
  • Minnesota Education
  • Minnesota Montessori
  • Minnesota Private School
  • Montessori Education
  • Montessori Method
  • Montessori benefits
  • Ramalynn Academy
  • Traditional Education